Will preparation usually seems like a difficult task when people first think about writing it. Meanwhile, it is essential to write a will declaring how you want your estate to be distributed and your minor children to be taken care of. Luckily, preparing a will is not as daunting as it seems; you get help from a qualified family law attorney.
Writing a will gives the assurance that things will take the right course as you wish after your demise. Read more to know how to prepare a will.
Who Can Prepare a Will?
If you find yourself in the conditions listed below, you can prepare a will:
- At least 18 years old
- You have a job or career
- You have investments or savings
- You have a house or other properties
- You have a spouse, children, and other dependants.
How to Prepare a Will
Here are the steps to follow to prepare a will
1. List Your Property
Take an inventory of all your assets, such as houses, cars, investments, bank accounts, and other properties. If you have digital properties, contact a family law attorney for advice on the types that can be included in your will. This will help you save time when writing your will.
2. List Beneficiaries
List all the people you intend to share your possessions with. This will make writing your will better, and it is the beauty of writing a will – to ensure that people you love get what you wish.
3. Appoint an Executor
An executor is the trusted person that will be in charge of implementing your wishes as contained in your will. Meanwhile, the executor must not be a beneficiary.
4. Choose a Guardian
If you are the last parent to die, it will be best to appoint someone you trust in the family to take care of your minor children upon your death. This will limit the confusion that your death might cause.
5. Make the Will
This is the crucial state of preparing a will. You can write your will with the help of a reputable family law attorney in the presence of two witnesses.
6. Sign the Will and Two Witnesses
Append your signature and date to the will on the last page. The two witnesses you have chosen will also be required to sign and put the date on the document.
7. Keep Your Will
It will be best to leave your will with your family law attorney or somewhere safe. Meanwhile, share the information of where you keep the will with the executor.
Follow the steps above to prepare your will. If you need help, get in touch with a family law attorney.